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John Hanson Community

Inspire · Care · Succeed

English as Additional Language

English as Additional Language – An Overview for Parents/Carers

 EAL Co-ordinator: Miss Crissie Ferreira  crissie.ferreira@jhanson.hants.sch.uk


John Hanson Community School welcomes students from all over the world, including Poland, Portugal, Spain, China, Nepal, the Philippines and many more.

We encourage our students to be part of a community where they are able to pass on their values, traditions and understand more about their identity.

They enrich our community in many ways, bringing a wider cultural awareness and helping us to feel part of a globally-inclusive community. The EAL team run events throughout the year to foster a real sense of the ‘community’ identified in our school name and celebrate the diverse backgrounds of our students.

Our duty in an educational setting, is to nurture this wonderful diversity of culture and ensure that all of our students are fully integrated in to the fabric of John Hanson Community School life.  The EAL team support our international learners in a structured manner to navigate Secondary school and feel at home, however far away their own country might be.

Numbers of EAL students are growing and our mission links to John Hanson’s vision of ‘Inspire. Care. Succeed.’ For all in our community, EAL students are supported to realise their individual potential in all areas of school life- we encourage confidence and competence, and enable EAL students to perform to their highest academic ability and develop personally.

As part of our drive to raise attainment and facilitate inclusion for students from ethnic minority backgrounds and/or English as an additional language, it is necessary to coordinate provision and monitor standards.

Cross-curricular support, literacy intervention programmes and one to one support are implemented. Subject teachers are supportive and encouraging, as they recognise and accept the difficulties international students may encounter. They use specific strategies in their planning to meet the needs of every student to ensure the best possible outcomes for all.


English as Additional Language Provision Map

Customizing our curriculum to address diverse educational needs and abilities, we acknowledge and accommodate each student's unique strengths and challenges.

EAL Christmas Workshop 2023




EMTAS – Help line for Parents/Carers & Schools





 Celebrating Diwali

Additional support for parents

 Motivational Album

  Christmas Journey